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Sir John Johnson, Lt. Col. John Butler, Joseph Brant, from portrait in Indian Department, Washington, Col. William Claus, from portrait in Dominion Archives

In 1776 the British Government hired from the Duke of Brunswick-Lunebourg 4,000 German soldiers for service in Canada.

Town Clock, Gateway to Dockyard & Clock Tower

During the early part of this period women s smart dresses were fashioned with paniers, worn over the sides of the skirt, which was supported by a hoop...

Epaulettes were introduced into the British army by Royal Warrant of 19th Dec., 1768. This prescribed that cavalry officers should have an "embroidered or laced Epaulette of Gold or Silver...

The early cartridge was made of a charge of powder and a bullet wrapped in paper, and tied at the ends. The soldier bit off one end and poured the contents into the muzzle of the musket...

James Cook and George Vancouver

John Webber (1752-1793) was born in London of Swiss parentage. He was appointed draftsman on Cook's last voyage in 1776. He made many drawings of the scenery and inhabitants of the South Sea islands, and of the northern coasts of America and Asia...

Images from drawings by John Webber, 1778, in the Collection of David I. Bushnell, Jr.

Fort Howe, Exchange Coffee House, Hazen House and surroundings, house where Benedict Arnold lived, 1787-1791

Shelburne, previously known as Port Roseway, the most extensive settlement of the Loyalists in Nova Scotia, was established on a fine harbour on the south-west coast of the province.

Thomas Carleton, born in Ireland, 1735, entered the army, and after some years of active service was sent to Canada in 1776 as Quarter Master General under his brother, Sir Guy Carleton, Governor and Commander-in-Chief.

Joseph Brant, from portrait by Romney, map of the Six Nations Reserve, His Majesty's Chapel of the Mohawks

Major Samuel Holland, Lieut-Col. Joseph Bouchette, Holland's astronomical clock, Holland House, Col. J.F. Wallet des Barres

Fort Prince of Wales is situated at the mouth of Churchill River, on Hudson Bay. Its construction began in 1733 and was completed in 1771.

Squared logs, Squared logs with bark left on outside surface. Round logs. Roof of Basswolrd bark.

This house, on Lot 5, Malden Township, on the Detroit River, is one of the few surviving buildings of the earliest period of Upper Canada settlement.

Rev John Stuart, Rt. Charles Inglis, Rev. John Ogilvie

Dr. Adam Mabane, residence of Adam Mabane, Peter Livius, William Smith, Herman W. Ryland

In 1784, a year before his departure, Governor Haldimand began the construction of a new edifice to be used for balls, levees and official receptions.

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