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It is impossible in a brief sketch to give more than a bare outline of his career; but he has left the record of his life-work not only on the map of Canada and in his field notes, but also in the narrative of his travels which he wrote late in life.

Also titled: Wolfe wading ashore through the surf at Louisbourg.

Many incidents of Wolfe's siege of Quebec reveal the immense contrast between the methods of warfare of to-day and those of two centuries ago.

In each of the five sieges which Quebec has sustained the strongest defence of the city has been its natural situation. Every besieger first of all had to overcome Quebec s geography.

Lismer wrote of this painting in his Canadian Picture Study: 'in Woodland Interior' we see Jefferys as an artist of grace and charm. A little landscape suffused with quiet sunlight, it is a water colour painted with delicate sensitiveness...

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