Burgoyne, St. George. “Some Canadian illustrators.” In Canadian Bookman,
Jan. 1919, p. 21-25. Illus.
- 21-2 - “How valuable is the experience gained by a newspaper artist
who aspires to serious illustration can be gathered from the
personal opinion of Charles W. Jefferys, the leading illustrator
in Canada. ‘I worked in New York for some years on the Art
Staff of The Herald in the palmy days of pen and ink drawing.
Though the work was exacting and strenuous, I count the
experience gained there as most valuable. It gave me a knowledge
of life at first hand, a training in quick and accurate observation,
and in the graphic expression of life and character that I do not
think I could have got by any other way.’
- 22-3 - long passage about CWJ’s career thus far, ending: “Good
composition and clean vigorous virile line characterize his
pen and ink illustrations.” See binder
- 25 - “Illustration by Chas. W. Jefferys, from ‘Old Man Savarin’
(C.W. Thompson)” ??